X射线对输送带上的包装产品经过筛查后,由特殊分析软件根据收到的信号创建X射线数字图像,用以确认是否存在污染物以及气泡、超重/欠重、破损等产品缺陷。之后,由集成到生产线的剔除系统有效剔除所检出的缺陷产品和污染物。有关包装食品的X射线异物检测技术和Sesotec X射线异物检测设备的更多信息,点击此处。
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The „Alte Gewürzamt“ produces 120 tons spices and spice mixtures per year on 4.000 square meters. The HACCP analysis revealed an increased risk of contamination with metal, stones and glass. An inspection at the outgoing goods was therefore required to meet the quality standards.
The Backwelt Pilz produces pre-baked and pre-cooked deep-frozen baked goods, for the food retail trade, petrol station shops and system gastronomy. In order to ensure that bread and rolls are absolutely free of foreign bodies, the Backwelt Pilz decided, in addition to the existing metal detectors, also to install RAYCON D+ X-ray inspection equipment for packaged products.
Brochure about the production and processing of meat products.
Product inspection system for slim and packaged products at moderate pricing