保护生产设备 : 金属异物尤其会导致加工设备的损坏。金属检测器可有效避免机器故障、停工和昂贵的维修。
提升销售量 : 消费者越来越重视食品安全,不会接受外观存有瑕疵、含不明添加物或夹杂其他物质的食品。然而,金属检测器可有效检测出这些问题产品,确保产品质量,从而为您带来可观的销量。我们的产品服务
“节约粮食” 倡议组织成员
Almi, an Austrian company headquartered near Linz, and one of the
leading manufacturers of quality flavourings and additives for sausage,
meat, ham and fish products, uses Sesotec “Hygienic Design” metal
detectors throughout their entire production process.
The „Alte Gewürzamt“ produces 120 tons spices and spice mixtures per year on 4.000 square meters. The HACCP analysis revealed an increased risk of contamination with metal, stones and glass. An inspection at the outgoing goods was therefore required to meet the quality standards.
Pneumatic conveying is common within the milling industry to move large volumes of products. This firm was looking for a metal detection solution to provide enhancements to their food safety initiatives (GFSI) within the challenge of pneumatically conveying the finished product to bulk carriers.
The Backwelt Pilz produces pre-baked and pre-cooked deep-frozen baked goods, for the food retail trade, petrol station shops and system gastronomy. In order to ensure that bread and rolls are absolutely free of foreign bodies, the Backwelt Pilz decided, in addition to the existing metal detectors, also to install RAYCON D+ X-ray inspection equipment for packaged products.
Brochure about the production and processing of meat products.
Compact metal detection system with conveyor belt for the inspection of piece goods
Product inspection system for slim and packaged products at moderate pricing
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